Welcome Home, Kodachrome!

On Friday morning we headed to Gore, Oklahoma for my husband’s family reunion. It was a good (and very hot and humid!) trip. On the way back home yesterday, we went a couple hours out of the way to pick up the newest member of our family, an apricot abstract Toy Poodle I named Kodachrome! We call him Koda for short. I wanted to name him something photography related yet still unique, and so he is named after a very popular color slide film that is no longer available. The film was amazing for all sorts of photography, particularly editorial photography. It had a very complicated developing process that was next to impossible to do at home. The last place to develop Kodachrome film was right here in Kansas. I remember my college professors talking about the last roll when I was in college. It was the end of an era.

I have never had a puppy this young and so it may be a bit of an adjustment for me! He has such a sweet personality! The rest of our dogs aren’t very interested in him, but I’m sure that will change as he gets more comfortable in our home. I am so excited to watch him grow and come out of his shell! I hope to photograph him every couple of weeks to show his growth.

Here are his 7 week photos that I took yesterday when we stopped so he could go potty.

And this morning I took some of him down in the studio. I will try more later when he’s sleepier and see if I can get some newborn type poses!

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